Stacy Rodgers

Jessie Smoker, Young Living Silver Team Leader

Stacy Rodgers

My name is Stacy Rodgers. I am a Raindrop Therapy & Vita-Flex Facilitator, Reiki Master, Theta-Healing Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, and a host of other things. I am currently working with Sound Therapy to add to my oil knowledge.

I was first introduced to Young Living Essential Oils in 2004 by my chiropractor. My young son needed immune support, sleep and breathing support. He did great, then we fell off the essential oil wagon. When my son hit middle school, he had problems with focusing. We pulled out the oils again and joined Young Living. (It's amazing that I still had them tucked away in the closet). My son asked why we stopped using the oils and I told him that it was because I didn't have the knowledge and understand what the oils were all about. So, thanks to my new team, we are informed oilers & will never stop using Young Living Oils again. YL always & forever!
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